Deborah Conway Willy Zygier
A community based around musicians Deborah Conway & Willy Zygier
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February 16, 2024

Just watched your YouTube interview with Shane Barrett. Quite funny!! As a music collector it’s a shame vinyl is so expensive and impractical for you to produce and sell. It can be a revelation listening to albums you know well being played on beautiful 180g vinyl. But please keep producing CDs. There’s always something special about having sleeve art, lyrics and liner notes. Looking forward to the next instalment.

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You've Got A Friend In Me
Stand By Me
I Me Mine
Happy New Year

Happy New Year to the faithful & the unfaithful, to the movers & the shakers, the sad & lonely, to those who get it done & those who want it done. May you appreciate this is all a gift that one day is taken away and passed on like a baton in a relay that you wish could be held onto just a little bit longer. xx

From 1999 a rarity called Happy New Year. By the time New Year rolled around in 1999/2000 we were in hospital with a one day old baby girl, our third. We briefly wished each other a happy one and then went back to our dreaming.

Happy New Year
Everybody Wants To Touch Me

From Paul Kelly’s self-described ‘mongrel memoir’ ‘How To Make Gravy’ pg 139-140

"Everybody Wants To Touch Me’ is sometimes read as a riff on celebrity. That seems to be Sydney cabaret singer Paul Capsis’s take on it on his album of the same name. Medusa-haired Deborah Conway, Melbourne singer-songwriter and mother of three, knows a little about celebrity and pregnancy both. She fronted a band called Do-Re-Mi in the eighties and had a big hit with a song called ‘Man Overboard’, featuring the memorable lines ‘Your pubic hairs on my pillow, your stubble rings the sink.’ Her shapely posterior was also famous, full-framed and proudly bare on big Bluegrass Jeans billboards nationwide, with the tagline ‘Get yours into Bluegrass’.

Do-Re-Mi functioned as a collective - a shaky construct in pop music at the best of times - and used language such as ‘ideologically unsound’ (the predecessor of ‘politically incorrect’) in their band meetings. Deborah, with her ...

Everybody Wants To Touch Me
Baby it's cold outside.

Anybody out there want to come on a holiday with us? We are going to Antarctica in November. We will need a few of you to huddle with us to keep warm. Details here:

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Today's Australian article

If you're interested in the article on us on the front page of today's Australian but can't access it because it's behind a paywall, here is a link to get you there.

The controversy over my appearance at the Perth Writers Festival weekend

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